Thursday, November 29, 2007


Snow at Stowe
There isn't a lot of snow up north yet, but apparently there's enough for this guy to jump off a twenty-foot cliff at Stowe last Sunday. Check out what happened to him when he hit the bottom, really funny. click here

A Good Start
It's been an unusually good start to the ski season this year. It's still very early and natural snow depths on the tops of the peaks is at about 24 inches, but this is significantly deeper than average.

The following is a graph of average snow depths on Mount Mansfield, located in Stowe, VT. Snow depths at the beginning of the week were 28 inches, which is almost three times the average for this time of year. Significant rain and warm temps dropped the depth by a full eight inches, but that still leaves us at 20 inches, which is twice the normal depth.

This time of year almost anything can happen. Often we get spikes in snow depth that drops away to zero, as happened last year. Let's just hope this keeps up.

Where to Ski this Weekend
More ski areas are opening every day, but most of those open only have about 15 percent of their trails open, which means crowded, icy conditions. The tickets are discounted, but not by enough to pay for the repairs that will be required on the bottom of your skis.

The one exception may be Jay, which has been having an exceptionally good early season. They currently have 40 percent of their trails open and received 4" more inches in the last 48 hours. They, like everyone else, got hit with an inch and a half of rain during the week, but colder temps have everyone optimistic. (Data courtesy of Burlington EcoInfo produced at the University of Vermont) The green part is average snowfall over many years. The skinny little brown line shows this year's snowfall.

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Gino Del Guecio

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