Thursday, January 10, 2008


After an epic first third of the ski season, the north country has been hammered over the past few days by record warmth. On Tuesday the temperature on Mt. Mansfield in northern Vermont broke the previous record set in 1998 by 6 degrees, rising to a spring-like high of 48 degrees!

Snow depths at the Mt. Mansfield stake dropped from 64 inches to 42 inches in three days. The tiny bit of hope here is that the snow depth has sunk down to the seasonal average and temps are predicted to drop down below freezing for the foreseeable future.

Northern reports are that considerable bare spots are now showing through. Predictions are that the very mushy snow is likely to turn to boilerplate as the temps drop.

I've had to drop my star ratings down to one out of five. This will only rise again when we get more snow to cover the junk we're left with.

Sorry to be the barer of bad news.

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